11 Jan Murtaza Shakir
I am Murtaza Shakir, it’s been a long, long journey amidst this much loved, much crazy media industry of ours. 23 years in the making and today I proudly stand as an Independent Film Director, Executive Producer, Curator and Promoter of Films and Media Arts at Addiction Films. A little bit here and a little bit there, I am sort of an omnivore when it comes to creating art on the big screen. Media Arts is a passion I thrive on. And limelight is an addiction. When you see perception, perseverance and persistence shape up in an outclassed outcome, you know you’ve achieved well.
Having worked for Networks like BBDO, LOWE, SAATCHI, TBWA etc. has made me see some unique spectacles in the past, from out of the ordinary to some very realistic ones. In the 23 years of this prodigious quest, I have understood that everything starts and ends with an idea that takes you on a journey of great discoveries. And I am waiting for my next big breakthrough!!