Sourcing Data

Sourcing Data

All data, claims, facts, etc. included anywhere in the entry form must include a specific, verifiable source. Entries that do not source data will be at a disadvantage at the scoring stage.

  • Source the data/claims by listing the specific name of the company (except when the source is an agency) next to each piece of data or in clearly marked footnotes at the bottom of each relevant page.
  • When the source is an Agency (ad, media, or other), reference it via the term “Agency research”, as Effie Pakistan is an agency blind competition.
  • Judges encourage third-party data when available.
  • Be specific in documenting all evidence in terms of time period, research involved, etc.
  • Graphs or charts may be used to present results.
  • Acceptable sources can be advertiser’s data, agency research (referenced as ‘agency research’) or third-party research companies.
  • The Award Secretariat reserves the right to check all sources provided for accuracy.

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